Terms & Conditions
Positive acts of accessing www.jatavshaadi.in , you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions set forth below. If you do not agree with any of these terms and conditions, you should not access or use www.jatavshaadi.in.
This website - www.jatavshaadi.in.-
- at the uniform resource locator (URL) id - www.jatavshaadi.in - has been developed , maintained and promoted is, by Jatavshaadi Online Services , a Division of EMAGES SOFT SERVICES.
- is intended only to provide as a preliminary medium of contact and information for its users / members / visitors who have a bona fide intention to enter into a matrimonial alliance. www.jatavshaadi.in does not purport to be a any type of marriage or business bureau or a dating / contact website.
- store information / data including e-mail id, mail address, first name, last name, telephone number, date of birth, age, gender, ethnic background, cast – only single community , occupation, preferences information from its visitors / users in order to create their unique profiles. Apart from this, certain other information including physical and mental disabilities are also stored. The said information / data collected is entered in the programmed especially devised for matching profiles and which programme enable to provide matches for the visitors / users based on their pre-selected criteria. Certain private information is only displayed after taking prior consent of the visitors / users.
- does not store any financial information such as Net Banking Details , credit card/debit card numbers/CVV No/ bank accounts numbers etc.